Monday, May 2, 2011

Beauty "Do's" and "Don'ts"

Here are a few of my ultimate Do's and Don'ts for Beauty and Skin Care.


...always wash your face at least once a day. It's good to clear any oils and dirt you may have accumulated throughout your long day. It's important to wash your face after wearing makeup, especially foundation. You need to clean your pores!

...always use at least SPF 15. Whether you apply actual lotion or if it's in your moisturizer, make sure you use it well and re-apply at least twice a day or more depending on your sun exposure.

...make sure you lip balm or chap stick has SPF as well. Your lips need protection, too!

...use a self tanner (with SPF) if your looking for a healthy bronze-like tan and the ultimate glow.

...try to exfoliate your skin with a body scrub at least once a week. It's a great way to get rid of dead skin cells. Exfoliating is extremely important before applying self-tanner.

...get your beauty rest! The average person needs at least 7 hours of sleep in order to wake up well rested and bright eyed! Your brain and body need to rest and believe me getting enough sleep will help with any dark circles.

...drink at least 6 glasses of water a day. Water helps with clear skin and flushing out bacteria from your body.

...experiment and play around with different products. Trying and buying different beauty and skin products is the only way to know what works best for you and your skin.

...try and find a shade of red lipstick that works for your skin tone. Wearing red lipstick can bring out confidence in anyone and sets a bold playful statement. Make sure the rest of your makeup is pretty neutral, so that the focus stays on the red. Enjoy it!

...use a hint of blush! Find your right shade whether its more rosy, peach or bronze. Blush will help highlight your skin, especially at the apples of your cheeks.


...Cake on the foundation. Foundation should be a thin layer on your face to help accentuate how beautiful your face really is. Always make sure to blend it well either with your finger or a sponge all over your face and down your neck. (If you use a sponge, make sure you always use a clean one. Using the same one constantly is just packing up the oil and bacteria. Yuck!)

...Fake bake. While you may want a nice tan, UV rays from tanning beds can cause melanoma, the worst case of skin cancer.

...pop, squeeze, or pinch a pimple, zit, or blemish. It can cause scarring and it'll take longer to heal.

...ever share makeup especially mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, or powder. Your face oils and cells gathered by your brushes get transferred onto your makeup palettes. It's not healthy, so don't share!

...over apply or use too many face products as to not clog your pores. Always try to stick to similar brands of products. Different companies use different ingredients in their products and mixing too much can cause your skin to become sensitive.

... overdue it on the caffeine. While I'm a sucker for coffee at anytime of the day (I need at least once cup), too much caffeine can dehydrate your skin/body. Hydration is key, so when your need an afternoon pick me up at work, get up from your chair and take a quick walk around, say hello or go to the bathroom and splash some cool water on your face.

...Touch your face with dirty hands. While you should be washing your hands frequently, make sure your hands are always clean if you are going to touch your face, especially around your eye area. Bacteria and oils on your fingertips can transfer anything from the surfaces you touch, whether you are traveling on the subway on your way to work or opening the mail.

...not take vitamins. A multivitamin is your best bet, but B vitamins, especially Biotin (vitamin B7) helps promote hair growth and beautiful skin.

...use a harsh brush on your hair. A wooden brush I've heard is a good way to comb through wet or dry hair without causing breakage. A metal brush can get too hot, burning your hair especially if you use it while blow drying your hair.

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