Here are a few of the products I use daily to clean my skin. All of these products I have purchased from either supermarkets or online drugstores like or even Amazon.

What I will use that I have found to help get rid of my makeup is the Proactiv Deep Cleaning Wash, which is good to use on your face and your body. It has small exfoliating beads that get deep down and it leaves a tingly feeling on my skin once I wash it away and dry it. That feeling is great because it makes me feel like it is working.
If I want to change my makeup from day to evening, I'll use either these wipes or a makeup remover.
Garnier Nutri-Pure Detoxifying Wet Cleaning Towelettes
These are great. I use one sheet a day to take off any makeup and dirt on my face. More times than not, I wash my face right after with one of the cleansers above. I love the smell of it and it doesn't leave my skin feeling oily. They are pretty large wipes, so you can get a lot of use out of them for your face and your neck and really getting deep down into your pores. The packaging is bright, which catches my attention and the fact that it says Pure makes me feel like the ingredients are natural and that I'm not just adding bad chemicals to my skin. I feel like this would be a great option for sensitive skin.
I use Neutrogena's Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover when I wear thick eyeliner above my lashes or really heavy eyeshadow to make sure I clean them well. Eyes are pretty hard because anything you put on your lids travels down through your lashes and give you a raccoon like effect. This remover has been really good at removing water-proof mascara, which is a b*tch to get out. as any girl would know. It has great long lasting effects but it is one of the hardest products to remove. I love the sleekness of the packaging and the simplicity of it and the wording on it suits me because it appeals to the things I want from skin care products - effective and gentile, no oily residue (yuck!) and removes even waterproof mascara, how can you beat that? You can't.
Once I'm done using the cleansers for added effect and to remove any shininess I may have I use the astringent.

After cleaning my face, I put on Aveeno's Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer. Like I said it works great for me. I love the natural ingredients and being that I was an Eczema sufferer I have strong brand loyalty to Aveeno. My mother use to have to give me Aveeno Oatmeal baths to soothe the itchiness and the rashes and it calmed my skin so well. I would say I have been using some form of an Aveeno product for at least 20 years, and I'm 23 and I know I will continue to because they are a great company whose products do what they say.
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